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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMar 31 Déc 2013 - 12:05


Pour ceux qui sont tombés sur ARTE hier, un reportage parlait de l'emploi des sans-abris pour faire la décontamniation à Fukushima :

La pénurie de main d'oeuvre incite donc les compagnies à user de tous les moyens pour trouver des travailleurs qui acceptent de faire le sale boulot pour un salaire ridicule, souvent inférieur au salaire minimum après les ponctions de chaque couche de sous-traitance. 
Des sans-abris recrutés à Sendaï (Miyagi) interrogés ont déclaré avoir travailler pour la deuxième compagnie de construction du Japon, Obayashi, une des majors du bâtiment qui ont remporté les marchés de décontamination sans aucune expérience.
Le recrutement des personnes les plus vulnérables pour servir de main d'oeuvre sur les chantiers est souvent contrôlé par la pègre.
Les nombreuses couches de sous-traitance permettent tous les abus et rendent les contrôles difficiles. 

Le nombre de compagnies impliquées dans les chantiers de décontamination des zones les plus contaminées prises en charge par le gouvernement est assez phénoménale. Parmi elles, une bonne cinquantaine ne sont pas habilitées par le ministère de l'environnement. Les contrats associés représentent 2,5 milliards de dollars.
Il y aurait même des compagnies fantômes, sans adresse, téléphone, site Internet, ni enregistrement.

Visiblement tout le monde ferme les yeux.

Selon la police qui a enquêté sur les sans-abris de Sendaï, seulement un tiers de ce qui est versé par Obayashi arrive dans la poche des travailleurs journaliers. Après leur avoir pris les frais de logement et nourriture (de l'ordre de 50 euros sur les 80 par jour), il ne leur reste environ que 6 dollars de l'heure, ce qui est moins que le salaire minimum qui est 6,5 dollars de l'heure. Certains sans-abris auraient même des dettes quand tous les frais ont été déduits !

Le recruteur des sans-abris à Sendaï a été arrêté en novembre et relâché sans charge car la police voulait remonter la chaîne de d'embauche et coincer la pègre locale qui logeait les sans-abris dans des dortoirs insalubres et se faisait 10 000 dollars par mois sur leur dos. Plusieurs membres de la pègre ont été arrêtés, 

Des pratiques similaires existent sur les chantiers de traitement des débris du tsunami.

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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMer 1 Jan 2014 - 14:25
reportage de Reuters sur l'embauche des clochards pour aller décontaminer à Fukushima
(en anglais)
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMar 14 Jan 2014 - 11:56

conférence de la SFEN à Lyon le 12/2  à 18h, à la Part Dieu
Le Japon 3 ans après, situation à Fukushima, par Eric Preud'homme
Il faut s'inscrire avant pour y assister
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 24 Jan 2014 - 10:12

Info ou intox ? Ca vous parait plausibles ?
2 explosions à Fukushima
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 24 Jan 2014 - 10:25

Camu a écrit:
Info ou intox ? Ca vous parait plausibles ?
2 explosions à Fukushima


du Grand n'importe quoi!!! Pour faire simple, une explosion atomique c'est compliquée à produire. Il faut des conditions de géométrie et de cinétique très particulière. Je ne vois pas comment les conditions d'une explosion peuvent être réunis. Surtout avec du combustibles dégradé.

Donc Fake (comme 80% des info du site mis  en lien)

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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 24 Jan 2014 - 17:53

Rien vu sur les sites des veilleurs français, celui de l'ACRO notamment.
Intox pour l'instant. On va suivre bien entendu et c'est d'ailleurs ce que nous faisons depuis pas mal de temps même si on ne relaye pas toutes les informations.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyDim 23 Fév 2014 - 21:43
Land acquisition delays, rise in material costs slow reconstruction spending in Tohoku
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Dump trucks line up for reconstruction work in disaster-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, on Feb. 7. (Mainichi)

While the government has set a 25-trillion-yen budget for reconstruction projects in the disaster-devastated Tohoku region, reconstruction spending has been slow due to delays in land acquisition for moving residential areas to elevated ground as well as an increase in labor and material costs.
The government plans to spend around 25 trillion yen through fiscal 2015 for disaster reconstruction. However, only about 60 percent of the budget for fiscal 2011 and 65 percent of the budget for fiscal 2012 were actually used. The remaining funds were carried over to the budget for the following fiscal year or allocated to the supplementary budget of the year's general account.
The Reconstruction Agency explained that the projects have fallen behind schedule because of delays in buying land plots, which are planned to be used for residential areas and storing debris. Of 2.2 trillion yen that went unspent in fiscal 2012 and was carried over to the next fiscal year, 381 billion yen had been allocated for debris disposal and another 277.7 billion yen for the cost of developing areas for housing on higher ground.
suite sur le site
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMar 11 Mar 2014 - 15:58

L'IRSN vient de publier sur son site internet plusieurs documents concernant la situation au Japon : Etat des installation et conséquences sanitaires.
C'est accessible ici :
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyDim 16 Mar 2014 - 22:01

267,000 people remain evacuees 3 yrs after quake-tsunami disaster

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Around 267,000 people are still living in temporary housing and other makeshift residences nationwide as Japan is set to commemorate three years since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the northeast of the country and triggered an unprecedented nuclear crisis.
Police and other authorities continue to search for those listed as missing in coastal areas following the Great East Japan Earthquake, one of the most powerful quakes on record in Japan, and the ensuing tsunami that left scores of people dead, unaccounted for or homeless.
Following the magnitude 9.0-earthquake that struck at 2:46 p.m., a tsunami engulfed large parts of the northeast, forcing the evacuation of up to 470,000 people.
The disaster-hit communities are still struggling with a host of issues including the slow rate of reconstruction and an exodus of residents.
Ahead of the third anniversary on Tuesday, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged again to help those affected by the disaster to rebuild their lives.
"We are entering the fourth year (since the disaster). I want to make this a year in which (people) can achieve greater reconstruction than before," Abe said during a session of the House of Councillors' Budget Committee.
According to the National Police Agency, 15,884 people were killed, mostly in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures in the Tohoku region, while 2,636 people remained unaccounted for as of Feb. 28.
The number of deaths including those caused by suicide due to the physical and mental stress of staying in shelters has continued to rise, totaling 3,048 as of Monday, according to a Kyodo News tally.
Based on Reconstruction Agency statistics as of Feb. 13, more than 97,000 remain in makeshift residences in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima, home of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which suffered a series of explosions and meltdowns.
Japan has been thrust into a debate about the use of nuclear power since the Fukushima disaster, the world's worst nuclear crisis since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
All 48 commercial reactors in Japan are currently offline, but the government wants to resume operation of reactors that satisfy new safety regulations, despite strong opposition.
As survivors gather to pray for the souls of their relatives and friends at memorial services, some communities have chosen to commemorate the event in advance.
In Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, where many homes were washed away by the tsunami three years ago, the sound of a bell at Fuseiji temple could be heard starting at around 6 a.m. on March 11, 2014. The sounding of the bell was to continue until sundown for 18,524 strikes to honor the souls of those who as of January this year were confirmed to have died or were missing from the 2011 quake and tsunami.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyDim 13 Avr 2014 - 21:17
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The basic energy plan approved by the Cabinet on Friday did not present numerical targets on the future proportions of electricity sources such as nuclear power and renewable energy, while stipulating a policy to reactivate idle nuclear reactors.
The plan did not rule out the possibility of constructing new nuclear power plants and reactors.
The latest basic plan regards nuclear power plants as “an important base load power source” and presented a policy to restart nuclear reactors. But it did not include figures that specified how much electricity should come from nuclear power generation.
At a House of Representatives plenary session Friday afternoon, many opposition party members criticized the basic plan for its ambiguity on the issue.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, “I’ll set the goals as soon as possible,” but did not say when his administration would present a plan for the best mix of electricity sources.
The basic plan did not contain percentages of power sources in part because the government still has not determined when currently idled reactors will be reactivated or how many of them will be.
Abe maintains that it is irresponsible to completely end nuclear power generation. He told his aides, “To provide a stable supply of electricity at low prices, nuclear power plants are necessary.”
Abe aims to promote reactivation of nuclear power reactors that pass safety checks by the Nuclear Regulation Authority.
But the NRA’s screening work has been progressing slowly. Though electric power companies applied for checks on 17 reactors at 10 nuclear power plants, only Kyushu Electric Power Co.’s Sendai nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture has been scheduled for an on-site safety inspection.
Though the proportion of power sources was not specified, the basic plan contained a footnote stating that the government plans to raise the percentage of renewable energy sources, including hydraulic power generation, to 13.5 percent in 2020 and to about 20 percent in 2030.
The basic plan also said the government aims to raise the figure further in the future.
The move comes as New Komeito, a junior coalition partner, has maintained a pledge to completely end reliance on nuclear power, and insisted that numerical goals for renewable energy sources to generate electric power must be established to replace nuclear power.
However, the renewable energy goal is mainly based on a government forecast on energy supply and demand that was compiled before the Great East Japan Earthquake.
When the composition of energy resources must be decided in practical terms, it is possible that the government, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito will encounter conflict in their debates.
Some in the government and LDP hold the opinion that the proportion of nuclear power should be kept at about 20 percent while eyeing increasing the number of nuclear reactors in operation or the construction of new nuclear plants.
New Komeito members are increasingly cautious on the stance, as the party aims to terminate nuclear power generation. A senior party member said, “Stipulating a percentage of nuclear power would contradict our public pledge.”
The basic plan clarified that the government is responsible for the disposal of radioactive waste produced at nuclear power plants.
Until recently, the government had adopted the stance of encouraging local governments to voice their own candidacies for hosting final disposal facilities to accommodate radioactive waste after reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
But only one local government, the town government of Toyo, Kochi Prefecture, expressed interest as a candidate, and it later withdrew due to opposition from residents. As a result, no candidate site has been decided.
Regarding the final disposal site, the government has said it will “try to obtain understanding by, for example, designating areas which are judged to be highly suitable from a scientific perspective.”
By emphasizing its own leading role, the government indicated its intent to pave the way for the selection of the final disposal site.
The basic plan stipulates the promotion of the nuclear fuel cycle, by which spent nuclear fuel is processed to produce new nuclear fuel for power generation.
But the basic plan proposed the possibility that projects to develop fast-breeder reactors, which produce plutonium as nuclear fuels, will be reexamined.
The proposal comes as Monju, a prototype of a fast-breeder reactor in Fukui Prefecture, has encountered a series of problems, making it unknown when the prototype reactor will be able to start operations.
In the basic plan, the wording that had previously described Monju as a prototype fast-breeder reactor was retracted. Monju’s status was changed to “a base for international research” to reduce the volume of radioactive waste and lower waste radioactivity levels.
Much unclear for power firms
The new basic energy plan, the first to be compiled since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, calls nuclear power “an important base load electricity source.” It appears to favor a pragmatic line, as it is designed to enable the nation to compensate for future price increases in oil and natural gas with relatively affordable energy sources.
The previous energy plan, devised in 2010 under the Democratic Party of Japan-led government, regarded nuclear power as a mainstay energy source. Calling nuclear power a low-carbon, economical, quasi-domestic energy source that does not emit carbon dioxide, the plan sought to increase the number of reactors by at least 14 by 2030. It also called for raising nuclear power’s share of total electricity generation from 28 percent in fiscal 2010 to 53 percent.
However, the DPJ-led government made a turnaround on its nuclear energy policy in the wake of the 2011 disaster. The Innovative Strategy for Energy and Environment, drawn up in 2012, set a goal of phasing out nuclear power by the 2030s, saying reactors would no longer be built. This policy change threw the electricity industry into confusion, as companies proceeded with business plans in line with the government’s energy plan.
Makoto Yagi, chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan and president of Kansai Electric Power Co., on Friday welcomed the government’s new energy basic plan, which promotes the use of nuclear power. “I want to see [the government] implement it steadily,” Yagi said.
However, the industry remains perplexed, as the energy plan failed to offer concrete prospects for the future of nuclear power.
The government intends to curb rising electricity rates by making it easier for new competitors to enter the market, with power sales set to be liberalized in 2016. But the new energy plan, which lacks specifics, could still hinder the development of a stable power supply.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMer 21 Mai 2014 - 20:50

Le système de décontamination d'eau ALPS de la centrale de Fukushima est entièrement stoppé de puis le 20 mai au matin, après l'arrêt de la troisième ligne de traitement.
Le dispositif, qui sert à éliminer une soixantaine de radionucléides des eaux qui ont été utilisées pour refroidir les réacteurs, est constitués de trois lignes parallèles de décontamination.
Les deux premières (A et B) avaient cessé de fonctionner il y a quelques jours. La troisième (appelée C) s'est arrêtée en début de matinée en raison de la dégradation de ses performances.
La cause de tous ces problèmes reste inconnue et non expliqué par la compagnie Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) qui gère les opérations. Le système ALPS est censé fonctionner depuis plusieurs mois, mais dans les faits il ne cesse de rencontrer des problèmes divers.
Cet équipement développé avec le groupe japonais Toshiba est pourtant présenté comme un rouage-clé pour résoudre le problème d'eau contaminée dont regorge la centrale accidentée Fukushima Daiichi.
Plus de 400 000 mètres-cubes d'eau contaminée sont actuellement stockés dans plus d'un millier de gigantesques réservoirs montés à la hâte dans le complexe atomique, et Tepco continue d'en faire installer une quarantaine par mois pour tenter de suivre le rythme du flux continu de liquide souillé provenant des sous-sols du site et des arrosages permanents des réacteurs ravagés. Ce problème d'eau est le plus difficile qu'ait actuellement à gérer la compagnie et un de ceux qui inquiètent le plus la communauté internationale en raison des risques de pollution de l'océan Pacifique voisin.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyDim 29 Juin 2014 - 23:39

TEPCO 'breaks vow,' refuses more compensation for Fukushima nuclear victims
The operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has rejected requests for additional compensation from residents forced to evacuate because of the nuclear disaster, defying a government mediation center, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.
Prompted by a request from 15,000 residents of Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, or more than 70 percent of the town's population, the central government's nuclear damage claim dispute resolution center in March issued a proposed settlement calling for Tokyo Electric Power Co. to pay an additional 50,000 yen ($492) per month to each town evacuee.
In the proposed settlement, accepted by the town residents, the mediation center also asked the utility to pay an additional 30,000 yen per month to those aged 75 or older.
But TEPCO rejected the proposal for an across-the-board 50,000-yen payment and said it would offer an additional 20,000 yen a month only to residents 75 years or older who have suffered injuries or illnesses, in letters sent to the town and the dispute resolution center on June 25.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyLun 14 Juil 2014 - 23:43

Horonobe, au nord de Hokkaidô, est pressenti comme lieu de stockage de déchets radioactifs (vieux crayons etc) , ce qui n'enchante pas les fermiers du coin.
Le toponyme Horonobe veut dire Grande-Prairie en Aïnou...
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMer 16 Juil 2014 - 14:25

Un pas vers le redémarrage possible de la centrale de Sendai (pas Sendai dans le Tohoku, Sendai près de Kagoshima dans l'île de Kyushu) 
Pour l'instant , les Japonais n'ont toujours aucune centrale nucléaire en fonctionnement malgré le pic de demande avec la climatisation pour l'été.  (ce dimanche, il y avait 34°C et 50% d'humidité à Tokyo).

TOKYO (Reuters) - A nuclear plant in southern Japan cleared an initial safety hurdle on Wednesday which could make it the first nuclear facility to restart under tough new safety regulations after the industry was idled by the 2011 Fukushima disaster.
With Japan in its first summer without nuclear power in four decades, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing to restart the country's nuclear sector, as a prolonged shutdown forces the nation to rely on expensive fossil fuel imports.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority gave preliminary safety approval for Kyushu Electric Co's 9508.T Sendai plant, accepting its upgraded design and safety features. The new safety standards involve safeguards against natural disasters, like earthquakes and tsunami, and severe nuclear accidents.
The nuclear station could restart this autumn, September-November, if it gains approval from the local communities.
"This is a step forward. After we get the safety decision we would like to move towards restarts with understanding from local (townships)," said Abe during a visit to northern Japan on Wednesday, Jiji said.
Japan's reactors were gradually taken offline, with the last one shutting down last year, after a massive earthquake and tsunami crashed into the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011, triggering the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
The Fukushima disaster shook public confidence in atomic power and exposed close ties between the powerful nuclear industry and a regulator that was overseen by a government arm that promoted the energy source.
The NRA, an independent watchdog set up in 2012, has been vetting restart applications for plants for over a year.
Regulatory officials held 62 hearings and pored through thousands of pages of technical papers to assess upgraded safety features of the Sendai plant.
"I believe we were able to compile this review with independence and transparency while maintaining neutrality. I hope and wish that this (process) will be able to garner the public's trust, but that is for the public to decide," said NRA chairman Shunichi Tanaka.
Sendai's approval comes as a relief for Kyushu Electric, which has posted three years of losses and asked for a bailout by a state-backed bank. It expects to spend more than $3 billion to upgrade its two nuclear plants in southern Japan.
The NRA decision will also help the broader nuclear industry. The approval process for the five other plants with similar pressurized-water reactors will likely go more quickly, said NRA director Tomoya Ichimura. Nine of Japan's electric utilities have applied to restart 19 reactors.
Japan's nuclear regulator said on Wednesday that its assessment of Kansai Electric Power's 9503.T Takahama nuclear plant in western Japan was moving along smoothly and was nearly complete on most issues.
A restart of the Sendai plant would be a boost for Abe.
The blackout of Japan's nuclear industry, which supplied about one-third of Japan's electricity before Fukushima, has led to rising electricity rates for residents and businesses and has contributed to a record string of 23 months of trade deficits.
Activists and protesters crowded the regulatory commission's open meeting on Wednesday, yelling at commissioners to vote against the safety review and to halt restarts.
In approving the Sendai plant, 980 km (600 miles) southwest of Tokyo near the southern tip of Japan's main islands, the NRA is "ignoring unresolved safety issues and rising public opposition," Greenpeace said in a statement.
The plant has "no effective evacuation plan for the populations in the region, in particular for the elderly, children and those in hospital, no functioning emergency-response center protected against radiation," the group said, adding that there have not been sufficient assessments of the risks from a nearby volcano.
But the green light for Sendai does not mean a quick return for the nuclear industry. At most about two-thirds of Japan's 48 reactors will ever pass the regulator's stringent safety checks and clear the other hurdles needed to restart, a Reuters analysis showed in April.
The NRA will seek public comment on the decision for a month before issuing its final decision. Kagoshima prefecture, home to the Sendai plant, will hold townhall meetings in municipalities closest to the facility to explain the restart.
Abe's government has said it will defer to local communities to give final approval on reopening nuclear facilities.
The pro-nuclear governor of Kagoshima and the mayor of Satsumasendai, the plant's host city, are likely to approve the decision, but many nearby townships oppose a hasty restart.
More than half the 30,000 residents in Ichikikushikino, a coastal town 5 km from Sendai, recently submitted a petition opposing a restart of the plant, citing an unrealistic and inefficient evacuation plan.
Opponents of nuclear power have so far gained little political traction, but a candidate backed by Abe's party lost a regional election on Sunday, partly over concerns about nuclear safety.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMer 16 Juil 2014 - 23:31

Un organisme de coordination et de régulation de la production et de distribution d'électricité est créé au Japon.

The first step of reforms on Japan’s power industry will take the form of a new entity, tentatively named the Organization for Nationwide Coordination of Transmission Operators, which will serve as a command post to coordinate the exchanges of electric power supply across the nation.
The organization will hold its inaugural general meeting on Thursday, and is scheduled to begin operations in April 2015.
To prevent large-scale power blackouts, the organization will instruct an electric power company in a region with surplus supply capacity to transmit power to other companies in a region where a power shortage is likely.
The move marks the first phase of the government’s reforms on electric power companies to ensure a stable supply of electricity.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMer 16 Juil 2014 - 23:33

J'ai également vu que c'était deux réacteurs avaient été déclarés aptes à reprendre du service.
Est-ce les mêmes que ceux du site de sendai ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyJeu 17 Juil 2014 - 10:30

Le nom est trompeur, la centrale de Sendai est en fait sur l'île de Kyushu à l'extrême sud-ouest du Japon.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyDim 17 Aoû 2014 - 19:48

Aug 17, 2014
A Tokyo-based nonprofit organization at the center of a fraud scandal related to nuclear accident compensation was probably established as a dummy organization, it was learned Saturday.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 20 Mar 2015 - 22:08

TEPCO releases 'see-through' image of Fukushima reactor
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An image created using muons shows the inside of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant No. 1 reactor. (Photo courtesy of TEPCO)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) released a "see-through" image of the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant on March 19, suggesting that most of the nuclear fuel was no longer in the reactor.
The image was taken with muons, which are created when cosmic rays hit the Earth's atmosphere. Muons pass through substances like concrete but are absorbed by highly dense material like nuclear fuel.
The image was taken from Feb. 12 through March 10. The inside of the reactor's pressure vessel, which holds the nuclear fuel, showed as white, meaning that most of the fuel was gone. The muons should have shown the presence of fuel rods around one meter or longer.
The image supports the calculations by TEPCO and others that most of the fuel melted out of the reactor. It marks the first time the interiors of the Fukushima plant's reactors have been directly photographed. In the future, TEPCO plans to insert a camera-equipped robot into the lower part of the containment vessel to look for the melted fuel.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 17 Avr 2015 - 19:58
TEPCO reveals more footage inside wrecked Fukushima reactor vessel
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An image captured by a robotic probe sent inside the No. 1 reactor's containment vessel at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is seen. (Image courtesy of the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning)
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, on April 16 released additional footage taken inside a highly radioactive nuclear reactor containment vessel.
The images recorded on April 15 were sent from a robotic probe the utility had sent inside the containment vessel of the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant. It was the second robot to enter the highly radioactive unit as the first one sent in on April 10 had stopped moving a few hours after the probe operation began.
The footage captured by the second robot showed no major damage in an air-conditioning unit on the first floor of the reactor vessel. Meanwhile, parts of lead curtains used to reduce the radiation impact on pipes and other equipment were seen fallen on the steel mesh floor.
The second robot traveled in different areas on the ground level from the first probe. The latest probe found fewer objects scattered on the floor than the first robot.
The air radiation dosage inside the vessel was up to 8.3 sieverts per hour, excluding the time when the figure instantaneously skyrocketed due to the noise from the dosimeter, while temperatures measured at around 20 degrees Celsius.
TEPCO continued the probe with the robot on April 16 and the results of the investigation will be released on April 17 or later.
While the first robot cannot be retrieved from the vessel, the utility is set to recover the second robot sometime after April 17.
Après avoir perdu un robot-serpent à l’intérieur de l’enceinte de confinement primaire du réacteur n°1, Tepco en a envoyé un second, et obtenu de nouvelles images
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 17 Avr 2015 - 20:29

  What a Face
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyVen 17 Avr 2015 - 21:55

Sympa les débits de dose annoncés : 24,9 Sv/h !!! pale

Fred :pig:

Les informations - Page 11 459774 IRSN
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptySam 18 Avr 2015 - 10:58

Et encore, on peux supposer qu'il y a beaucoup plus car le petit robot évolue l'armature du béton qui à fondu et non sur le corium qui doit se trouver en dessous. No
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyLun 20 Avr 2015 - 9:19

Tout pareil que Fred : 24,9 Sv/h !!!!!! affraid
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyJeu 18 Juin 2015 - 23:55

Document shows Tepco was aware of need for tsunami measures in 2008: lawyers

  •  Jun 18, 2015

Tokyo Electric Power Co. was aware of the need to take anti-tsunami measures at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant before the 2011 crisis, contrary to its claims regarding such hazards there, lawyers for plaintiffs in a damages suit said Thursday.
Yuichi Kaido, one of the lawyers, told the Tokyo District Court that an internal Tepco document dated 2008 shows the company “had clearly recognized as of that year that measures against tsunami were inevitable, contradicting the company’s explanations so far.”
The operator of the radiation-leaking plant crippled by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami has claimed during the trial and in other venues that it was not able to predict the massive tsunami.
The lawsuit was filed in March 2012 by more than 40 Tepco shareholders seeking to have former and current company directors pay around ¥5.5 trillion in damages to the company for their failure to prevent the crisis.
Tepco has demanded the claim be dismissed.
The internal document, which was compiled for a company meeting held at Fukushima No. 1 in 2008, says measures against tsunami hazards are “inevitable as we cannot help but expect bigger tsunami than currently projected” given the opinions of academics and the government, the lawyers said.
According to a report compiled in 2012 by a Diet-appointed panel that investigated the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Tepco projected in June 2008 that after an earthquake the plant could be hit by 15.7-meter waves. The internal document was produced three months after that, but the utility did not take specific measures against tsunami.
The document is another piece of evidence supporting the investigative panel’s report that called the world’s worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986 a “clearly man-made disaster” caused by the company.
The lawyers claimed that Tepco apparently tried to avoid spending massive amounts of money on boosting the plant’s preparedness against disasters.
Fukushima No. 1 lost nearly all of its power sources and consequently the ability to cool its reactors after it was hit by the magnitude-9.0 earthquake and huge tsunami on March 11, 2011.
Reactors 1, 2 and 3 suffered core meltdowns while a hydrogen explosion rocked the building housing the No. 4 unit.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 11 EmptyMar 8 Sep 2015 - 22:24

si tout se passe bien, reconnexion au réseau de la centrale de Sendai près de Kagoshima (Kyushu) incessamment sous peu :
Kyushu nuclear plant reaches full output capacity, commercial operations expected in Sept.
Kyushu Electric Power Co. said that the No. 1 reactor at the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture has achieved its full capacity, in which the heat output generated in the reactor is maintained at its maximum level.
The Sendai plant's No. 1 reactor is expected to undergo a final inspection by the Nuclear Regulation Authority on Sept. 9 and 10. If passed, Kyushu Electric will resume commercial operations of the nuclear plant.
The utility decided to postpone raising power output on Aug. 21 following a problem at the reactor, where seawater entered into a condenser, but began boosting output power six days later after blocking holes in pipes.
Kyushu Electric resumed the No. 1 reactor's power generation and transmission on Aug. 14 after restarting the Sendai plant on Aug. 11 as the first nuclear station in Japan to restart its operation under new safety standards. The company has been careful in raising output power since the No. 1 reactor had been off power for about four years and three months. Now that the reactor is maintaining its maximum output capacity, the utility expects less likelihood of problems in its operations.
The electric company plans to restart the No. 2 reactor at the Sendai plant in mid-October after inserting nuclear fuel in early September.
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