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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyMar 8 Sep 2015 - 22:24

si tout se passe bien, reconnexion au réseau de la centrale de Sendai près de Kagoshima (Kyushu) incessamment sous peu :
Kyushu nuclear plant reaches full output capacity, commercial operations expected in Sept.
Kyushu Electric Power Co. said that the No. 1 reactor at the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture has achieved its full capacity, in which the heat output generated in the reactor is maintained at its maximum level.
The Sendai plant's No. 1 reactor is expected to undergo a final inspection by the Nuclear Regulation Authority on Sept. 9 and 10. If passed, Kyushu Electric will resume commercial operations of the nuclear plant.
The utility decided to postpone raising power output on Aug. 21 following a problem at the reactor, where seawater entered into a condenser, but began boosting output power six days later after blocking holes in pipes.
Kyushu Electric resumed the No. 1 reactor's power generation and transmission on Aug. 14 after restarting the Sendai plant on Aug. 11 as the first nuclear station in Japan to restart its operation under new safety standards. The company has been careful in raising output power since the No. 1 reactor had been off power for about four years and three months. Now that the reactor is maintaining its maximum output capacity, the utility expects less likelihood of problems in its operations.
The electric company plans to restart the No. 2 reactor at the Sendai plant in mid-October after inserting nuclear fuel in early September.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptySam 31 Oct 2015 - 22:48
Deadly 9.4 sieverts detected outside Fukushima reactor 2 containment vessel; checks stop
OCT 30, 2015
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday that radiation levels of up to 9.4 sieverts per hour have been detected outside a reactor containment vessel at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
People exposed to the maximum radiation dose for some 45 minutes will die. Tepco expects decontamination work to take at least one month.
Sept. 4-25 checks found the extremely high radiation levels at a cell that accommodates a pipe connected to the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the plant, which was devastated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Tepco said.
The highest contamination was detected on the floor. Details behind the situation are unknown, according to the company.
Tepco planned to start in August to check the inside of the containment vessel by using a remote-controlled robot but high radiation levels have stalled the examination.
Extremely high radiation levels and the inability to grasp the details about melted nuclear fuel make it impossible for the utility to chart the course of its planned decommissioning of the reactors at the plant.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyDim 1 Nov 2015 - 16:02

Après renseignements sur l'original japonais, la dose mesurée est telle que SI une personne y était exposée 45 minutes, elle mourrait .
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyDim 1 Nov 2015 - 16:55

et oui, 3/4 d'heure à cette ambiance (2,6 mSv/s !!!! affraid  Je ne sais même pas si un dosi op est capable d'encaisser un tel débit de dose...) et on atteint plus de 7 Sv en irradiation aiguë  et corps entier, dose à laquelle on tape plus que sur son capital santé....Evil or Very Mad

Fred :pig:

Les informations - Page 12 459774 IRSN
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyDim 1 Nov 2015 - 19:23

Je pense que si vu que les dosimètre opérationnel du CEA s'envoie bien l'air à plus de 99mSv/s avec des coups de téléphone portable
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyDim 1 Nov 2015 - 19:32

effectivement avec un tel débit de dose on ne tape plus dans son capital santé, on vit à crédit!

Plus sérieusement, dans la dernière revue de IRSN: Aktis il parle de modéliser la catastrophe pour pouvoir connaître ce qui se trouver effectivement au niveau du cœur du réacteur et envisager un démantèlement

l' ouverture d'esprit n'est pas une fracture du crâne
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyLun 30 Nov 2015 - 22:02

TEPCO using 'giant vacuum cleaner' to remove debris at crippled plant
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A giant vacuum cleaner-like device used to collect debris is seen.

TEPCO has begun using a giant vacuum cleaner-like device to collect and remove debris from the No. 1 reactor building at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant.
In October this year, work finished to remove cover panels that were installed over the building after the disaster. This month the vacuuming device will be used to remove relatively small debris like pieces of concrete. Afterwards, TEPCO will install a water sprinkling system to prevent the spread of dust that contains radioactive materials, as the company moves toward decommissioning the reactor.
The vacuum device is held within a container measuring 6 meters long, 2.5 meters wide and 5.2 meters tall, and when assembled it weighs some 22 metric tons. The device is equipped with a stretchable and shrinkable nozzle and can suck up debris up to about 25 centimeters long and 20 kilograms in weight. The device will be lowered by crane from the top of the building as it is operated remotely. The collected debris will be stored according to radiation levels.
TEPCO aims to begin extraction of fuel from the No. 1 reactor's spent fuel pool in fiscal 2020.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyLun 28 Déc 2015 - 18:19
Fukushima : pour TEPCO, le coût et la durée du démantèlement impossibles à prévoir
Publié le lundi 21 décembre 2015 à 13h09
Les travaux de démantèlement de la centrale de Fukushima se poursuivent depuis l’accident du 11 mars 2011. Mais ils sont si complexes à mener qu’il est aujourd’hui impossible de prévoir le coût de la sécurisation du site. Aucune date de fin de travaux ne peut non plus être fixée.
C’est ce qu’a déclaré Masuda Naohiro à l’agence Associated Press le dimanche 20 décembre. Le responsable des réparations de la centrale, accidentée en 2011, affirme même ignorer si les nouveaux robots dont dispose ses équipes seront à même d’examiner les débris des réacteurs fondus et ainsi faire le point sur les réactions radiologiques en cours. Des réactions qui provoquent toujours des émanations radioactives et qui génèrent une chaleur d’environ 100 °C dans les cuves inondées contenant le combustible atomique.
Masuda Naohiro, qui dit travailler en "zone de guerre", affirme que les débris des réacteurs sont impossibles à localiser. Il estime également qu’une "nouvelle science devra être inventée pour commencer le nettoyage". 
Les nappes phréatiques, l’air aux alentours de la centrale et l’océan Pacifique continuent d’être quotidiennement pollués par la radioactivité du site.
Antonin Amado
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyLun 28 Déc 2015 - 18:22
TEPCO refusing to pay for decontamination work planned since end of fiscal year 2013
December 28, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the tsunami-ravaged Fukushima nuclear plant, has refused to foot the costs of decontamination work that has been planned and conducted after a December 2013 Cabinet decision, it has been learned.

The Environment Ministry is poised to demand money it is expected to spend on decontamination of areas with high radiation levels -- where the government has deemed that it is difficult for residents to return in the foreseeable future -- from TEPCO. The ministry began this year to decontaminate such an area in the Fukushima Prefecture town of Okuma, but there is no prospect that TEPCO will foot some 20 billion yen in the costs of the work that the ministry will temporarily shoulder.
As the Environment Ministry is in conflict with the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry that supports TEPCO's position, a massive amount of taxpayers' money is being invested in such work without clarifying who should bear the expenses.
The Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Environment Pollution by Radioactive Materials, which was enacted in the wake of the March 2011 nuclear crisis, requires TEPCO to "try to swiftly pay for decontamination when and if demanded."
Moreover, the guidelines for Fukushima recovery, approved at a Cabinet meeting on Dec. 20, 2013, state that the government should demand that TEPCO foot the expenses of decontamination and the construction of temporary storage facilities for radioactively contaminated waste that were implemented or being planned. However, the guidelines do not mention whether TEPCO should be required to pay the costs of decontamination and relevant projects that were not being planned when the guidelines were approved.
According to the Environment Ministry, TEPCO has agreed to foot the costs of decontamination in "difficult-to-return" zones, which was performed on a trial basis before the Cabinet approved the guidelines. However, TEPCO has refused to pay for decontamination of main roads in such zones on the grounds that the utility is not obligated to pay for these projects, which were conducted after the Cabinet decision.
Hiroshi Ono, head of the Environment Ministry's decontamination and temporary storage planning coordination team, has raised questions about the utility's response.
"It's unreasonable to decide whether to pay for the costs depending on whether decontamination was planned before or after the Cabinet decision, although decontamination is based on the same special measures law," Ono said. "We understand that we can demand payments for decontamination of the difficult-to-return areas."
However, the economy ministry's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy takes a different position.
"The Cabinet decision doesn't state that the government can demand the costs for decontamination that was not part of the original plan. We've instructed TEPCO to follow the Cabinet decision," said an agency official.
An official of TEPCO's public relations division said, "We'll respond to the matter in accordance with the special measures act, the nuclear power accident compensation system and the 2013 Cabinet decision, while listening to explanations from concerned ministries and agencies and consulting with them."
Since the government has decided that TEPCO must foot the costs of decontamination, the 32 trillion yen which will be set aside for disaster recovery projects over a 10-year period does not include decontamination costs. Therefore, if TEPCO refuses to pay for decontamination costs, the government will be forced to secure additional resources.
"The Environment Ministry and the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy should hold negotiations to draw a conclusion on the matter," said a senior Finance Ministry official.
The Environment Ministry has demanded TEPCO foot a total of 381 billion yen in decontamination costs on 12 occasions, and the power company has basically complied with the demands, paying 350.5 billion yen of the amount so far.
The decontamination work in Okuma is the first in the difficult-to-return zones. The work began in summer this year and is scheduled to be completed at the end of this fiscal year. The cost of decontaminating 95 hectares in the town is estimated at over 20 billion yen.
The town of Okuma is asking for decontamination of the remaining 305-hectare area while the towns of Futaba, Namie and Tomioka as well as other local bodies in the prefecture are requesting full-scale decontamination.
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MessageSujet: Re: Les informations   Les informations - Page 12 EmptyLun 29 Fév 2016 - 22:40

Pour la première fois depuis le début de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima de 2011, des dirigeants de la Compagnie d’électricité de Tokyo (Tepco), propriétaire de la centrale sinistrée, seront jugés. L’ancien président de l’entreprise Tsunehisa Katsumata, et deux ex-vice-présidents, Sakae Muto et Ichiro Takekuro, ont été mis en examen lundi 29 février, pour négligence professionnelle ayant provoqué des décès.
La décision est l’aboutissement d’une procédure commencée en 2012. Un groupe de citoyens, essentiellement du département de Fukushima, avait porté plainte contre plusieurs dizaines de responsables de Tepco et du gouvernement.
Le parquet avait rejeté cette plainte en septembre 2013, estimant que Tepco, comme le gouvernement, ne pouvaient pas prévoir des séismes et tsunamis de l’ampleur de ceux survenus le 11 mars 2011. Et, officiellement, la catastrophe nucléaire n’a fait aucune victime.
Les plaignants avaient alors changé de stratégie, concentrant leur action sur les trois dirigeants et choisissant de recourir au système des commissions d’études des décisions du parquet. Composées de onze personnes choisies au hasard, ces commissions doivent, selon le site du ministère de la justice, « examiner si la décision des procureurs de ne pas engager des poursuites est appropriée ». Ayant estimé le 26 février que l’absence de poursuites n’était pas justifiée, la commission a obtenu que les trois hommes soient mis en examen.

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